Monday, March 2, 2009

US Naval Academy Ice Hockey

Mike took the family to a naval academy hockey game. The kids had a blast. It was fun that we knew someone on the team so we could cheer him on. To our suprise we were invited to skate after the game and get signitures of all the midshipmen hockey players who were waiting on the ice with sharpie markers. It was great. The kids and i got our skates on and skated for a while. Chase didn't want to leave until he had everyone sign his team roster booklet. He was easy to find on the rink because he was wearing SHORTS! It was Chase's 2nd time ice skating, Michael and Cameron were 1st timers. They all did great :)

1 comment:

Ella said...

I loved seeing everything your family is up to! I can't believe your kids are getting so big!