Monday, August 25, 2008

Dr. Zundel's in the house!

Today mike defended. it was awesome. He did great. i am so grateful to to married to him.
In his seminar i learned about olgioribonuclease degradation. it was very apparent through everyone in the seminar that he did very well. His dissertation is on Ribosomal degradation in Escherichia coli! i am married to the the most handsome brainiack ever!
Congratulations Mike on completing your phd! You did it! we love you!


Danika said...

It's still very strange to think that people I know who are my same age are DOCTORS!!! Congratulations...what a great accomplishment.

P.S. Check out my blog when you get a chance - I've been writing my personal history entries about my college years. I wrote about freshman year last week - it brought back some really fun memories!

laura said...

Dr. Zundel you ROCK!!!!! You definately deserve it and we are all so proud of you! I can't wait to hear about your next adventure so I can live vicariously through you:)