School is great here in Maryland. I have not met many parents because about 85% of kids ride the bus. There are no sidewalks down here so it is to dangerous for kids to walk. It was actually forbidden, a school rule. We live about 1/3 mile away from school. When i found the house i was so excited that we could ride bikes, skateboard, scooter, or walk to school. I was surprised but happy because we have not been tardy because the bus picks them up @ 7:18 at the end of our driveway. School starts @8. I will not complain :)
Every morning we meet @ 7:00 sharp ready for the day. guess who was just rolling out of bed @7. Me! I have sandwiches made the night before and so it is not hard to put lunches together. They went to bed with wet hair the night before. I didn't focus on their hair this morning because i was still waking up. When they got home we sat and talked and i noticed their wild hair. I thought that i will make sure that their locks look great the next day. Chase pulled something out of his backpack and hid it behind his body and said "hey mom, my teacher gave me a present - guess what it is " i thought that was so sweet of his 3rd grade teacher to do that. He pulled out a little black comb. He was so proud of his gift that his teacher gave to him. It didn't look like he used it because his hair was still wild :) Michael perked up and told us that he got a gift also. So Michael pulled out his little black comb with a big smile on his face. He was just as proud as chase for his gift from his teacher too.
He said "wow - the teachers at Mayo are really generous". i was giggling because i knew it was because the teachers wanted their hair to look nice and not so wild.
I found out a few min later that it was PICTURE DAY!!!!!!!!! I immediately looked at their hair again and their clothes and just smiled big and was giggling. It was so sweet, they were so proud. I can't wait to see their individual photos and their class photos. I love my kids so much.
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